In October 2024 the Freja community bakery doors will be opened. This initiative has been created as a direct partnership with the ICT not for profit organisation in Denmark.
The community project is being financed solely through donations, member support and volunteer work and is being carried through free from bank financing. This will not only create a sustainable consumer price for artisan bakery goods of the highest quality, but also allows for a collaboration that will financially support The Farms that work with the further research and development of cereal plant, grains and also vegetable renewal. The further goal is to create templates for the establishment of a healthy agricultural economy and above all to enable food production that is exclusively based on the highest quality of bakery goods – throughout the entire process – from the farms to tables.
Purchase and donations of agricultural land
By freeing up agricultural land areas and farms from high mortgages laden with compounded interest rates, we can help future farming endeavours to establish a healthy economy free from inflation promoting bank financing costs and at the same time ensure that small scale farms will be preserved for future generations of farming. Through bringing the land areas under the umbrella of the ICT land areas will be kept safe from speculative so-called market based involvement and at the same time be placed into the hands of qualified farmers and farm communities working to fullfill ICT goals for an associative production as described in The Foundation Stone for Societal Renewal. (link)
The prerequisite for agriculture areas brought under the ICT umbrella is that no pesticides or other production methods harmful to humans and nature are to be used on the lands, and that the farms maintain a high level of engagement in establishing of a truly regenerative agriculture.
ICT’s seminars, initiatives and administrative work
Through lectures, seminars and discussion groups, ICT seeks to expand the understanding and the practical implementation of the threefold impulse for societal renewal to an ever-growing circle of men and women. Since our foundation in 2021 lectures and seminars have been held and are being planned for the USA, Denmark, Germany, Norway and Italy. This seminar work is essential for it is first within the hearts and minds of men and women that impulses for a true societal renewal can be sown, then can be nourished and can grow.
The ICT also offers consulting advice and active assisstance to individuals and organisations wishing to develop initiatives in alignment with ICT goals and under the ICT umbrella. Existing organisations which find themselves in alignment with ICT goals are also partnering with the ICT in order to strengthen our common initiatives and create the internal basis for membership activities in all the three societal spheres.
Initiatives for both educational, artisitic and therapeutic insitutions are underway. Books are being published.
Administrative work being done for the ICT includes the creation of this website, newsletters and articles, membership organization as well as networking-data base formation.